


After being at Dell’Arte International for the past 13 years as resident faculty, Director of Training and then School Director, it will be here, on this blog page, that I chronicle my advance into the world. Preparations for, what we refer to now as the RonlinWalkabout, began back in November of 2014 when Ryan Musil, the Walkabout Production / Tour Manager, began to create a proposal based on my desire to see what is happening in the world — to “walk out” into that which I don’t know with the few things that I do. If you are reading this it means that the web site has “gone live” and that we have begun to formally reach out to backers and bookers.

‘With a little help from my friends’ – well, with a lot of help from my friends and my dear wife … . Please go to the Company section to review all who are pitching in on the RonlinWalkabout Effort!

So greetings from a new home. … be speaking to you soon about the plans, misgivings, experiences and joys forward!

Photo on 1-7-12 at 10.34 AMWith Gratitude,


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One comment

  • ronlin foreman July 13, 2015   Reply →

    hi ronlin

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